
Looking Forward to Spring

In Saijo, it snowed yesterday evening  for a short time. I din't want to go out. I do't like winter. I am looking forward to spring. Spring is the season when I am very happy. It is the time when everything is lively.

I hoped it will stop snowing. I wanted to go shopping.

I am now listening to  a song called 'Sakura.' Listening to it makes me fell cheerful. 'Spring is coming,' I say to myself.

4 件のコメント:

  1. I don't like cold more than snow because I hate being at cold places.

  2. I don't like spring because I have pollen allergy. Pollen is powder made by a flower. I have been suffered for many years.

  3. Good evening, george. I'm Sakagen.
    This winter seems to be very warm compared with last winter.
    I think whether the weather is sonw at once or not this year.
    By the way, you said you said "Sakura", What' s "Sakura" songed by who's artist? Song's title "Sakura" published a lot of kinds.

  4. I heard that next week will get colder than now.
    Spring is far away.
